Conoce a Billy Prempeh:

Estadounidense de primera generación | Veterano de la Fuerza Aérea DE LOS E.U. y |Patriota

My name is Billy Prempeh, and my story is the American Dream. Born to Ghanaian immigrants who came to the United States legally over a span of 20 years—one of them waiting nearly 17 years to lawfully enter this country—I grew up in Paterson, New Jersey, where I saw firsthand the challenges families face while trying to build a better life. My parents sacrificed everything to give me the opportunities that only America can offer, and I vowed to make the most of their hard work by standing up for this country and everything it stands for.

At the age of 18, I made a decision that would shape my life. While my friends were enjoying their college experiences, I enlisted in the United States Air Force, swearing an oath to defend this country and the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I was stationed in England at RAF Mildenhall, working as an aerospace ground equipment journeyman, ensuring that the machinery keeping our planes in the air was ready for any mission. It was during this time that my love for America deepened, and I began identifying with conservative values, grounded in hard work, patriotism, and putting America first.

But after serving my country abroad, I came home and saw a different kind of battle: the fight to restore opportunities to families like mine, struggling to keep up with an out-of-touch political class. In 2020, despite a pandemic, lockdowns, and minimal resources, I took on the challenge of running for Congress in New Jersey’s 9th District. With just hard work, faith, and grassroots support, I earned more votes than any Republican candidate had seen in 30 years in my district, securing 31% of the vote in my first run. By 2022, that number jumped to 44%. I achieved this without the luxury of big donors or the establishment backing, proving that this district is hungry for new leadership.

I’m running for Congress because I believe the people of the 9th District deserve a voice in Washington that reflects their needs and values—not the interests of career politicians. My opponent, Bill Pascrell, who was 87 years old, passed away in August 2024, and has since been replaced by a hand-selected puppet of the Democratic Party—a career politician more interested in preserving the status quo than serving the people. This is not the future the 9th District deserves, and I am here to offer a real alternative: fresh, bold leadership rooted in the principles of freedom, opportunity, and accountability.

Now more than ever, our chances of winning this race have never been stronger. Over the years, we’ve built a grassroots army that believes in this vision for America—one where government gets out of the way, and people are free to pursue their dreams. We’ve gained momentum with every election cycle, growing our support base and outpacing expectations. This time, we’re ready to cross the finish line and secure a victory for the 9th District.

I’ve lived the struggles many in our district face. I understand what it’s like to fight for every opportunity, and I’m here to fight for you. My policies are clear and focused on making life better for American families.

With your help, I will go to Washington to fight for the values that made this country great and ensure they continue to guide us into the future.

This is our time. The momentum is on our side, the establishment is scrambling, and together, we can bring real change to the 9th District. The odds are in our favor, but we need every voter, every supporter, to make this a reality. Will you join me in this fight? Let’s finish the work we’ve started and make the 9th District a beacon of freedom and opportunity for all.